Ever wanted to pay a visit to some of the StreekWaar producers? Join one the three bike excursions that StreekWaar is organizing in the coming weeks in Bennekom, Renkum and Wageningen.
Bike excursion in Bennekom
Saturday 26 March | 12:00 – 14:30h
Starting point: de Kardoen Bennekom, Marktplein 9 in Bennekom, pickup point of the StreekWaar webshop.
After a short explanation on StreekWaar and on pick-up point the Kardoen and possibility to ask questions we take our bikes and cycle towards Carefarm de Hoge Born, Bornsesteeg 87 in Wageningen, member of StreekWaar. There we drink a cup of tea and eat our lunch (bring your own or buy it in de Kardoen or at the Hoge Born) and we see ths special carefarm. Next we cycle to Grebbeveld Schapen &zo, Langesteeg 21, in Bennekom, StreekWaar member. There we’ll have a tour about this special sheep farm and we get to cuddle the lambs. Afterwards we cycle back together to de Kardoen.
Bike excursion in Renkum
Wednesday 30 March | 15:00 – 17:00h
Starting point: Woon- en tuinwinkel Loenen, Groeneweg 76 in Renkum, pickup point of the StreekWaar webshop.
There we’ll drink a cup of tea and have a short explanation on StreekWaar and on pick-up point Loenen and possibility to ask questions. After that we take our bikes and cycle towards organic farm Veld en Beek, Fonteinallee 33 in Doorwerth. There we get a tour by farmer Jan on this special biodynamic farm. After that we can cycle back together to the centre of Renkum.
Bike excursion in Wageningen
Saturday 23 April | 15:00 – 17:30h
Starting point: Thuis Wageningen, Stationsstraat 32 in Wageningen, pickup point of the StreekWaar webshop.
After a short explanation on StreekWaar and on pick-up point Thuis and possibility to ask questions we take our bikes and cycle towards the StreekWaar market and than to Ivo’s Bread & Pizza, Hoogstraat 5, Wageningen, lid van StreekWaar. There we get a tour by baker Ivo on his special artisanal bakery and we get to ask questions. After this we cycle to De Stadsbrouwerij, 1e Kloostersteeg 5 in Wageningen, StreekWaar member. There we’ll have a tour about this special brewery where they brew beer from local ingredients in the middle of Wageningen.