New pick-up point in Bennekom for local food

On February 23, the StreekWaar association opened a new pick-up point in Bennekom for sustainable food from the region. From now on, consumers can order products from local farmers online and pick them up at De Kardoen in the center of Bennekom. In a fresh spring sun, the Ede alderman Léon Meijer handed over the […]
Fietsexcursies langs lokale producenten

Wil je kennismaken met de StreekWaar producenten op hun werkplek? Komende weken organiseert StreekWaar drie fietsexcursies.
Volunteering at StreekWaar

Is sustainable local food production close to your heart? Do you like the idea that farmers, bakers, brewers and citizens work together on a diverse and environmental-friendly landscape? Then join StreekWaar! As a volunteer you can help organize excursions, help repack orders for the webshop on Wednesday morning, help at the sustainable regional market stall […]
Bike excursions to StreekWaar members

Wil je kennismaken met de StreekWaar producenten op hun werkplek? Komende weken organiseert StreekWaar drie fietsexcursies.